There are about 2 000 fishing areas, also known as FVO, in Sweden. Most have been formed since 1981, when a new law was adapted to fisheries management. This form of managment has been very succesfull in lakes and streams. The fishing area is managed by a Fishery Conservation Association. The area is the geographical unit. The association consists of all owners of fishing in the area. The fishing grounds are rural and agricultural properties of a third resource, the forest and cultivated land.

Most properties include limited fishing rights in just parts of a lake or a stream. The only way to conduct meaningful fisheries management, would be to sell fishing licenses and interact with other owners of fishing rights to get some revenue.

Inspection fees

A fishery conservation area association may charge an inspection fee of fishermen who fish within the fishery conservation area but that violates the association's own local fishing rules. The fee was introduced in 2011 when the Act (1981: 533) of fishing areas, shortened LOFO, and then modernized (SFS 2010: 1874).

The inspection fee is a new tool for maintaining fish conservation rules and effective management. An association can now, even more so than before, customize and adapt their rules to local conditions and needs. Spawning bays and nursery areas can be protected, they may be rationed and the fishing pressure can be adapted to sustainable management and sustainable returns.

Due to the fee, the vioaltion could be handled in an effective and flexible manner. When someone violates the fishery conservation association rules, the supervisor could ask for a payment of the offender. Last step would be collection of the depth. Inspection fees may only be applied by a fishery conservation association, not by other lessors of fishing. The charge can not be levied on illegal fishing (fishing without permission) or illegal fishing where the fisherman violating official regulations under the Fisheries Act. Such offenses should instead, as before, be addressed directly to the police.

More information

• Act (1981: 533) concerning fishing areas (

• The official government map of all swedish fishing areas of the FVO type (

• Marine and Water Authority Statute Book: Fishery Administration regulations (FIFS 1982: 3) on fishing areas (

• Catch the fish resource - a textbook in local fisheries development and small-scale fishing tourism (the Swedish fishing waters Prohibition / Management Societies)

• Marine and Water Authority,

• Agriculture,

• The county administrative boards,

• Land Survey,

• Sweden's fishing waters Federal,


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