The iFiske site uses cookies. We are required by law to inform our visitors about this, what the cookies are used for and how to choose them.

What is a cookie?

A cookie (Cookie) is a small text file that websites you visit to store on your computer. Cookies contain information and are used to give visitors access to various functions, including our services that require login. The information in the cookie can also be used to collect statistics about your surfing. You can at anytime delete cookies from your browser, and you can change the settings in your browser to not allow cookies saved. If you temporarily do not want to allow the storage of cookies on your computer, you can turn it off in your browser settings, often called "iCognito fashion" or "Private Browsing". For instructions on how to manage and delete cookies, go to the "Help" in your browser. You can choose to permanently disable cookies or receive a notification each time a new cookie is sent to your computer or mobile device.

Note: Blocking cookies means some functions on our website will not work as intended for you, e.g to buy products or to log in.

Cookies at the iFiske site

Some cookies on necessary for the site's functionality. These are automatically saved on your computer when you visit us.

We use cookies:

  • Web analysis to understand site usage and to improve the site's functionality.
  • make certain product offerings to specific visitor groups, such as new and returning visitors.
  • To save a shopping cart
  • selected language
  • the selected organization in the purchase flow and the control panel
  • For login purposes
  • To hide the annoying cookie-popup: Once a year...
  • Our Joomla CMS uses cookies to manage sessions / login and to check if you are a frequent visitor or not.
  • Movie clips that are embedded from Youtube Channel, uses cookies from

For traffic and usage Analysis purposes

The website AND app uses Google Analytics web analytics to get a picture of how visitors use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the site and app is used in order to evaluate how the service is used to improve the content, navigation and structure. The cookies that Google Analytics uses stores information about when you visited the app/site the first time, when you visited the app/site later, when your current visit began, how many times you visited the site, which is the unique identification number of your browser and how you found the site (traffic sources).

If you do not want your visit to our website to appear in the statistics in Google Analytics, you can install a so-called "Opt-out" extensions (plugins) in your browser. It applies to all websites you visit.

More information

If you have questions about cookies on our site, please contact us. General information about cookies and the law on electronic information is available at the Post - and Telecom Agency's website.

→ About cookies at PTS (Post- och telestyrelsen)

→ Act (2003:389) about electronic communication ("om elektronisk kommunikation") Law (2003:389) .


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