Önningeby Sammfälligheter

  Åland / Jomala.

There are fine fishing waters here. Mostly it is pike that is fished. An occasional trout can also be caught. Perch is included. There are nice play coves with lots of reeds. The grynns are good at throwing against. Nature is beautiful all around. Fairly sheltered water. But of course it can blow up. Driving through Lemström's canal when changing sides is an experience in itself.

Fish species





Önningeby Sammfälligheter

We buy fish fry with the money that comes in. So there is a good rotation. Everything happens on a voluntary basis. Therefore, you like to see that everyone pays for themselves. It has been going on for 20 years. The goal is for things to continue as before.

Organization number: FO 0144767-2

Customer number: 1233, Area: 1234.

Fishing areas nearby Önningeby Sammfälligheter

Vesterkalmare bys fiskevatten
Ytterbyviken, Ösundet, Lumparn
Söderby samfällda
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